Time, mobility, and sustainability: an opportunity to increase resilience
The Local and Regional Time Agenda second topic tackles a time-related topic of global relevance: “Time, mobility and sustainability: an opportunity to increase resilience”, a compilation of time policies grouped by different topics as well as practical recommendations on how to implement them. It includes aspects on how to deal with the rush hour, how to implement cities of 15 minutes, and how to bring sustainable mobility to urban areas, among others.
Time, mobility, and sustainability: an opportunity to increase resilience Read More »
Bolzano takes over Barcelona as the new World Capital of Time Policies
Barcelona has organised more than 70 activities during its time as World Capital, in order to rise awareness on time policies as a new civil right, which will extend its benefits among society, companies, and the planet.
Bolzano takes over Barcelona as the new World Capital of Time Policies Read More »
Mounting evidence shows changing clocks to the wrong time zone negatively impacts individual health and the economy
Experts and activists launch a campaign to increase citizens awareness on the harmful effects of clock changes and wrong time zones. The experts ask the presidency trio of the Council of the European Union to add the topic to the agenda and implement the proposed plan.
A new round of official surveys is launched for learning how citizens distribute their time after the pandemic
Today, the first Spanish exchange forum on time use surveys has been held, with the participation of the European, Spanish, Catalan, and Basque statistical agencies. The conferences seek to create a dialogue between the research world and public policies in preparation for new surveys, planned for 2023 and 2024.
Time use surveys in Spain: an academic and social opportunity
More than 10 years since the last round of time surveys, a new one is coming in Spain: INE will collect data in 2024; Idescat will begin to do so in 2023… It is an opportunity for the academia and public institutions, as well as for any other interested social partner stakeholder.
Time use surveys in Spain: an academic and social opportunity Read More »
The European Commission awarded a project to foster time policies in European Municipalities
The partnership including the Local and Regional Governments TIME Network has been awarded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) programme from the European Commission. The project, called “Time4All”, aims to foster time policies and ensure the recognition of the right to time as a right for all citizens.
It includes 20 organisations representing municipalities, metropolises, and regions from Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Germany, Belgium, and Greece.
The newsletter “Barcelona on time” has been launched, compiling everything there is to know about time policies in the city of Barcelona
A newsletter with information about events, interviews, and much more information about time policies has just been launched by the city’s Time Agreement.
The Barcelona Time Use Initiative takes part in Lleida’s Time Agreement assessment
The Time Agreement is carrying out activities within the framework of the Lleida’s Network for the Time Agreement, composed by 16 local organisations and companies. It has carried out 40 activities affecting trade, consumption and restoration, the productive sector, municipal services, and educational leisure.
The Barcelona Time Use Initiative takes part in Lleida’s Time Agreement assessment Read More »