
Self-Assessment Tool for Municipalities on Time Policies 

The Self-Assessment Tool for Municipalities is a diagnostic tool designed to evaluate and enhance time management practices within a local government. It aims to identify strengths and areas of improvement in the way time is managed within public policy; covering various domains such as gender equality, mobility, business time organization, education, night-time policies, democracy and citizen services, leisure and culture and internal municipal policies.

Self-Assessment Tool for Municipalities on Time Policies  Read More »

The Right to Time – perspectives for the 21st Century

In the 21st Century, economic, ecological, and social policies can only become sustainable when systemically enriched with time policies for better care opportunities for men and women; sustainable production, services and consumption, and temporal on working times which make it possible to adapt to future modalities of work. These fundamental requirements of the 21st century

The Right to Time – perspectives for the 21st Century Read More »

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