European project on time policies

The Time4All project is part of the European Commission’s CERV programme, which awards projects that promote social equality and citizens’ rights. The project expects to reach about 1,700 participants, specifically the youth and women, who are the ones suffering from time poverty effects the most. The project will have a duration of two years, between 2023 and 2024, and will carry out several activities aimed at local policymakers, citizens, research institutions, and other social partners.
Time policies promote a better time organisation to improve citizens’ health, equality, productivity, and sustainability, as well as increase civic participation. Promoting a new time organisation, local and regional authorities can respond to the popular demand in recent years — which asks for a more sustainable, more egalitarian life, and a new relation between paid work, unpaid care work, and life. The local and regional dimension has been identified as the area where people live their daily lives, and where a real and crucial difference can be made in the way they organise their time.
European municipalities have pioneered in promoting time policies since the 1990s and, in order to collaborate, they created the Local and Regional Governments TIME Network in 2008. Now, with the “Time4All project”, the Network aims at:
- Expanding, deepening and intensifying the cooperation and exchanges of towns, cities, and regions to improve the use of time.
- Fostering time policies among European municipalities by contributing to build up a new narrative for Europe.
- Promoting the involvement of citizens in the definition, implementation, and evaluation of time policies.
The project is led by the city of Bergamo and the Time Use Initiative (TUI), the international organisation promoting time policies and the right to time, whom currently manages the Secretariat of the Network.
Project members
The project is formed by 20 partners from 7 EU countries (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Greece):
- Public institutions: the Municipality of Barcelona (Spain), the Municipality of Bergamo (Italy), the Municipality of Bolzano (Italy), the Municipality of Esplugues de Llobregat (Spain), the Metropolitan City of Strasbourg (France), the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain), the Municipality of Milan (Italy), the Metropolitan City of Milan (Italy), the Municipality of Lleida (Spain) the Municipality of Terrassa (Spain), the Provincial Council of Barcelona (Spain), the Catalan Government (who dynamise of the Catalan Network on the Right to Time), the Municipality of Trikala (Greece), the Municipality of Graz (Austria), the Municipality of Zwickau (Germany), the Municipality of Verviers (Belgium), and the Municipality of Cremona (Italy).
- European Time Policies Associations: Tempo Territorial (France), Time Use Initiative, TUI (Spain), and Synergie Wallonie pour l’Egalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes (Belgium).
Time4All events
During 2023 and 2024, the Time4All project has planned different events aimed at local policymakers, citizens, research institutions, and other social partners.
This is the full calendar of activities related with the Time4All project. Information will be updated as the event approaches:
Project kick-off
- Description: The event will mark the beginning of the project, launching the key activities and establishing the project key guidelines.
- Place: Bergamo, Italy.
- Date: 21/02/2023
- More information
Presentation of the Local and Regional Time Agenda – Topic 2: Time, mobility, and sustainability: an opportunity to increase resilience
- Description: public presentation of the Local and Regional Time Agenda, topic 2, related with time and sustainability
- Place: on-line
- Date: 20/04/2023
- Retrieve the event
- Summary
Official launch of Bolzano’s World Capital of Time Policies — Bolzano’s Time Weeek
- Description: Bolzano will host a launching event on the occasion of it becoming the World Capital of Time Policies 2023
- Place: Bolzano, Italy.
- Date: 10-12/05/2023
- More information
II Foro Iberoamericano de los Horarios y el Tiempo
- Description: second edition of the regional summit on time use in Latin America (2nd Ibero-American Time and Schedules Forum), where time policies will be adapted to the regional context.
- Place: on-line
- Date: 6th to 30th June
- Retrieve the event in Spanish and in English
- Summary
Annual Network’s Assembly — Time Use Week 2023
- Description: During the Time Use Week 2023, conceptual discussions and practical workshops will be held on the issue of the right to time and its impacts on different public policy fields. The Local and Regional Governments Time Network‘s General Assembly will take place within the week and framed on the right to time debate.
- Place: Paranimf de l’Escola Industrial, Barcelona, Spain.
- Date: 17th October 2023
- More information
Local and Regional Time Agenda(s) — Time for democracy | Night-time policies
- Description: public presentation of the Local and Regional Time Agenda in its chapters 3 and 4
- Place: on-line
- Date: 8th May 2024
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- Summary
Summer School of Time
- Description: The Summer School is the first European training programme on time policies, an instrument that institutions can use to tackle time unrest (including time poverty) and transform 21st-century society to make it more egalitarian, more efficient, more sustainable, and healthier. The School will offer two different formats to facilitate participants’ engagement: Citizen’s TIME Summer School, which will be online and organised by Time Use Initiative and the Public Officials TIME Summer School, which will be face-to-face in Barcelona and organised by Barcelona City Council.
- Place: Barcelona, Spain, and on-line
- Date: 10-14th June
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- Summary
Annual Network’s Assembly — Time Use Week 2024
- Description:
- Place: Barcelona, Spain.
- Date: 21st-23rd October 2024
Events by the World Capital of Time Policies 2024
- Description: Strasbourg, World Capital of Time Policies for 2024, will host a series of events to advocate and promote time policies and the right to time in Europe and European institutions.
- Place: Strasbourg, France.
- Date: 28-29th November 2024.
As part of the Time4All project, the following publications are foreseen. They will be made available when published:
- Local and Regional Time Agenda – Topic 2: Time, mobility and sustainability: an opportunity to increase resilience
- Local and Regional Time Agenda — Topic 3: Time, participation, and democracy
- Local and Regional Time Agenda – Topic 4: Night-time urban policies
- Self-Assessment Tool for Organizations on Time Policies
- Self-Assessment Tool for Municipalities on Time Policies