World Capital of Time Policies

The World Capital of Time Policies is the award intended to generate more awareness and to provide more visibility to time polices and their positive impacts on society, organisations, and the planet. It is granted by the Local and Regional Governments Time Network with a duration of one year, and it must be approved by its General Assembly after presenting an action plan for the upcoming term.

The objective of the Capital is to generate citizen’s awareness, to promote the visibility and sustainability of the Local and Regional Governments Time Network and, finally, to promote and consolidate innovative time policies within the host institution.

World Capital of Time Policies 2022 - Barcelona

The city of Barcelona was awarded the first World Capital in 2022. In order to enhance its promotion of time policies, Barcelona’s World Capital pursued the following objectives:

world capital of time policies barcelona

World Capital of Time Policies 2023 - Bolzano

The Municipality of Bolzano, through its Office for Statistics and Time, promoted different events and initiatives with the objective of increasing awareness on the value of time among citizens. One of the first events organised during its term is the organisation of Bolzano’s Time Week 2023, with conferences on working time and nighttime policies, among other topics.

World Capital of Time Policies 2024 - Strasbourg

The Eurometropolis of Strasbourg has been awarded as the World Capital of Time Policies 2024, showcasing the results of the municipal time office: organizing public spaces and mobility, managing work schedules, developing proximity, innovative services, and nightlife. Several highlights throughout the year will help discover and promote these different areas, demonstrating the benefits of the temporal approach in adapting public services and municipal policies to the residents’ lifestyles.

On 28th and 29th November 2024, the City of Strasbourg will host the plenary sessions of the French Tempo Territorial network and will be meeting the Local and Regional Governments Time Network.

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