Good practices




  1. Did you know that the time use reform will improve the health of people, reducing psycho-social risk factors and easing the management of stress?
  2. Did you know that with the time use reform we will have more time for resting, which has a direct effect on our health?
  3. Did you know that the time use reform could help have more available time for sport practice and active leisure – activities with physical, psychological and social advantages?
  4. Did you know that promoting teleworking measures would reduce the accident rate (first cause of work-related deaths) when commuting to the workplace?
  5. Did you know that the lack of free time is one of the main obstacles to practising physical exercise?



  1. Did you know that the time use reform would contribute to promoting energy savings and making commuting more efficient, while reducing unnecessary expenses for the active population and citizens in general?
  2. Did you know that the time use reform could save energy thanks to compacting working hours and reducing commuting?



  1. Did you know that adjusting work, school and commercial hours to the standard used in most of the countries in the world would help citizens to enjoy a better welfare?
  2. Did you know that the time use reform would help to contribute more available time for personal use to the population – not only families with children or with dependants – which could be used for spending time for leisure, for personal growth and for other social and cultural activities?
  3. Did you know that putting in place time use reform makes the access to education and professional personal development easier?
  4. Did you know that with the time use reform and a higher availability of time the demographic balance will improve?
  5. Did you know that changes in consumption patterns and the interrelationship between the environment, time and lifestyles could make family, leisure and free time more important?



  1. Did you know that a better distribution of the time uses could help improving child and youth school performances?
  2. Did you know that a higher parental support could improve child and young school performances thanks to a higher availability of time to support studying?



  1. Did you know that the time use reform will improve the competitiveness and productivity of organisations by 15%, according to different research studies?
  2. Did you know that adapting meal hours to healthier time slots could help removing the morning snack, which would improve the performance at work, the decision-making process, the solution of problems and the capacity for innovation and creativity?
  3. Did you know that introducing a new culture of time in organizations will reduce the presentism of working staff and therefore it will improve their productivity?
  4. Did you know that applying time use reform measures could reduce unjustified absenteeism in the workplace?
  5. Did you know that the time use reform will improve the productivity of organizations thanks to arrangements of flexible working time (increasing the level of satisfaction of workers and improving the performance of time spent at work)?
  6. Did you know that promoting time use reform measures could help improving the work environment?
  7. Did you know that the time use reform could possibly increase the performance at work, improve the decision-making process, the solution of problems and the capacity of innovation and creativity – thanks to better rest conditions for workers?
  8. Did you know that the time use reform proposes compacting the workday that includes a reduced lunch time at work in order to improve the efficiency of the time spent at work?
  9. Did you know that even though the importance of the time spent at work; the companies supporting flexible and alternative uses of time have a competitive advantage to retain talent?



  1. Did you know that the time use reform could help to guarantee the co-responsibility in the distribution of domestic chores and family care?
  2. Did you know that applying time use reform related measures could improve the reconciliation of private, family and work lives -i.e. improving the welfare of citizens?



  1. Did you know that applying time use reform related measures would help the encouragement of culture, leisure and the participation of citizens in civic and public life activities? And the research studies showing that those concerned have a higher productivity?
  2. Did you know that the time use reform would help citizens having more time available to participate in initiatives and civil organizations, thus improving the quality of democracy?
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