Time4All 2.0
European project on time policies

Strengthening cooperation among citizens and municipalities using time policies for a more democratic and sustainable EU
Time can be regarded as a fundamental right for all citizens, as both a core value and a novel aspect of European citizenship. Time poverty affects 20% of Europeans, notably women and migrants, and European youth demand a more balanced organisation of time.
Integrating time policies into local urban strategies is crucial to strengthening European democracy, mitigating climate and environmental challenges and fostering a more egalitarian, healthy, democratic and sustainable use of time.
Time4All 2.0’s vision is to make Europe the champion of its citizens’ right to time.
The project targets 6,000 participants, focusing on youth, women, and migrants. As a result, more than 20 municipalities from 9 EU countries will implement more and better time policies to ensure citizens’ right to time. Ultimately, the project contributes to a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive European society.
In 2021, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Network of Cities for Time Policies was relaunched to include metropolises and regions and cities outside Europe that had begun to approach time policies at local and regional levels. The new network was renamed “Local and Regional Governments Time Network” (“the Network”).
The Network is a unique worldwide network of cities and regions that promote and implement time policies. It comprises local and regional governments committed to reorganising time to improve the lives of their citizens and ensure the right to time.
It currently includes cities, metropolises, and regions around the globe, such as Barcelona, Strasbourg, Milano, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Bergamo, Catalonia, and Graz. Furthermore, it has more than 30 members and, in Europe, includes 26 European local authorities and organisations from 9 EU countries.
In 2022, the Network was awarded the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)– Network of Towns project, creating Time4All 1.0, Now, Time4All 2.0 aims to strengthen existing initiatives like the Local and Regional Governments Time Network and give continuity to Time4All 1.0
Time4All 2.0 builds on the past achievements of Time4All 1.0 but also brings new actions and multiplies impacts with the following objectives:
- Deepen and intensify cooperation and exchanges around time policies by encouraging discussion and replication of best practices,
- Consolidate a new European narrative to ensure the right to time for all citizens while reinforcing the role of local and regional authorities in the European integration process
- Increase awareness of the benefits of the right to time in solving citizens’ daily problems and developing a sense of European belonging and identity.
The project is led by the city of Bergamo and the Time Use Initiative (TUI), an international organisation promoting time policies and the right to time. The TUI currently manages the Network’s Secretariat.
Project members
20 partners form the project from 8 EU countries (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Greece, Poland and Bulgaria):
- Public institutions: the Municipality of Barcelona (Spain), the Municipality of Bergamo (Italy), the Municipality of Bolzano (Italy), Municipality of Cremona (Italy), the Municipality of Esplugues (Spain), the Metropolitan City of Strasbourg (France), the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain), the Municipality of Milan (Italy), the Metropolitan City of Milan (Italy), Municipality of Trikala (Greece), the Municipality of Terrassa (Spain), the Provincial of Council Barcelona (Spain), Municipality of Zwickau (Germany) the municipality of Braga (Portugal), the city of Bansko (Bulgaria), the city of Sosnowiec (Poland) and Grand Est region of Strasbourg (France).
- European Time Policies Associations: Tempo Territorial (France), Time Use Initiative, TUI (Spain), and Synergie Wallonie pour l’Egalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes (Belgium).
Time4All 2.0 events
The Time4All 2.0 project plans various events aimed at local policymakers, citizens, research institutions, and other social partners in 2025 and 2026.
This is the calendar of activities related to the Time4All 2.0 project. Information will be updated as the event approaches:
Kick-off event:
- Description: The event will mark the beginning of the project, launching the key activities and connecting current and new partners
- Place: Bergamo, Italy.
- Date: March 2025
Time Academy:
- Description: Organised as a Summer School of Time, it will provide local authorities and municipalities with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively implement time policies, and it will be a space to share good practices and lessons learned from time policies implemented.
- Place: Barcelona, Spain, and online
- Date: July 2025
Annual Network Assembly -Time Use Week 2025 and Time Case Visit 1: Time&Democracy:
- Description: The Local and Regional Governments Time Network’s General Assembly will occur within the Time Use Week 2025 and be will be framed on the right to time debate. During the week there will also be a successful case study visit related to Time, Democracy and Climate challenges to facilitate transferability to other cities and regions.
- Place: Barcelona and Catalonia, Spain and online
- Date: October 2025
Local and Regional Time Agenda, Chapter 5
- Description: public presentation of the Local and Regional Time Agenda, chapter 5, related to time policies at work
- Place: online
- Date: December 2025
Time Case Visit 2 – Time & Mobility & Sustainability
- Description: Two-day case study visit on Time, Sustainability and Mobility to facilitate transferability. The event will include guided visits, one session with host town officials involved in implementing the case study, one community-embedded activity, and knowledge exchange and networking activities.
- Place: France
- Date: March 2026
Time Citizens Campaign Kick-off event:
- Description: Online event to launch the joint Time Citizens’ communication campaign simultaneously in every partner’s country. The campaign is intended to raise awareness of the benefits of time policies by promoting citizens’ engagement in discussion of associated impacts in their daily lives.
- Place: online
- Date: May 2026
Local and Regional Time Agenda, Chapter 6
- Description: Public presentation of the Local and Regional Time Agenda, Chapter 6, on Time policies and Health
- Place: online
- Date: June 2026
Annual Network Assembly -Time Use Week 2026
- Description: The Local and Regional Governments Time Network’s General Assembly will occur within the Time Use Week 2026 and be will be framed on the right to time debate. One of the expected outcomes is the creation of a “Manifesto on the Right to Time in our Municipalities and the EU”.
- Place: Barcelona and Catalonia and online
- Date: October 2026
Closing event – Time Narrative: shaping tomorrow’s Europe
- Description: Project’s closing event aiming at presenting and consolidating a constructive narrative on the importance of time policies in shaping the future of Europe, leveraging data from the Harmonised European Time Use Survey (HETUS) and knowledge generated by the whole Time4All 2.0 project, while advocating for the integration and mainstream of time policies at European level.
- Place: Barcelona, Spain
- Date: December 2026
As part of the Time4All 2.0 project, the following publications are foreseen. They will be made available when published:
- Local and Regional Time Agenda – Topic 5: Time policies at work
- Local and Regional Time Agenda — Topic 6: Health time policies