

faq on clock change

Mounting evidence shows changing clocks to the wrong time zone negatively impacts individual health and the economy

Experts and activists launch a campaign to increase citizens awareness on the harmful effects of clock changes and wrong time zones. The experts ask the presidency trio of the Council...

A new round of official surveys is launched for learning how citizens distribute their time after the pandemic

Today, the first Spanish exchange forum on time use surveys has been held, with the participation of the European, Spanish, Catalan, and Basque statistical agencies. The conferences seek to create...

The European Commission awarded a project to foster time policies in European Municipalities

The partnership including the Local and Regional Governments TIME Network has been awarded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) programme from the European Commission. The project, called “Time4All”,...
logo del pacte del temps de barcelona

The newsletter “Barcelona on time” has been launched, compiling everything there is to know about time policies in the city of Barcelona

A newsletter with information about events, interviews, and much more information about time policies has just been launched by the city's Time Agreement....
jornada seguiment pacte del temps de lleida

The Barcelona Time Use Initiative takes part in Lleida’s Time Agreement assessment

The Time Agreement is carrying out activities within the framework of the Lleida's Network for the Time Agreement, composed by 16 local organisations and companies. It has carried out 40...

Right to “free” time, an objective for consensus building

From the 24th to 26th October, the ninth Time Use Week —the international meeting point on time policies— was held. Over 150 panellists from all over the world representing universities,...

Time Use Week 2022: 26th October – Towards a new organisation of working times

A brief report on the Time Use Week third day, where the organisation of working times was discussed. International experiences were analysed and academic proposals to a future Spanish Time...

Time Use Week 2022: 25th October – Local and regional time policies

A brief report on the Time Use Week second day, where the Local and Regional Governments TIME Network General Assembly was hold, and local and regional time policies related with...

Time Use Week 2022: 24th October – Reducing inequalities with the right to time

A brief report on the Time Use Week first day, where key concepts were discussed and proposals on how to alleviate time inequalities were made....
permanent time zones in the eu

Experts present a Transition Plan to establish permanent natural time zones in Europe

The European Union Parliament approved the end of seasonal clock changes back in 2019 but the Member States cannot decide on how to proceed. Now, a group of renowned experts...
ibero american time use week semana iberoamericana de los horarios y el tiempo

Time policies are promoted in Latin America due to the 1st Ibero-American Time Use Week

It has been a pioneering event that enabled the creation of a unique meeting point in the Ibero-American sphere aimed at exchanging experiences and knowledge on time uses....

The Catalan joint strategy for promoting time policies has been renewed

Latin America will host the first ever “Semana de los Horarios y el Tiempo”

The BTUI is summoned by the Catalan Parliament for takling time uses

The Commission on Universities and Research of the Catalan Parliament has summoned the co-coordinators of the Barcelona Time Use Initiative (BTUI), Marta Junqué and Ariadna Güell, who explained the "opportunity...

Public presentation of the Time Agenda in its first issue on life balance

The first ever compilation of local and regional time policies has been presented, with the aim of becoming a beacon for scalable public policies related with time uses in the...

Barcelona officially opens the first World Capital for Time Use Policies

» The city is offering an activities programme for 2022-2023 with the aim of raising greater awareness of and giving more visibility to time use policies as a right of...

Clock Change? Again? What happened to the plan to abolish it?

Press Release: Clock Change 2022

World experts welcome US decision to abolish the time changes and call on Europe (to do so as well as a matter of urgency)...

Updates on the IATUR Board

The co-coordinators of Barcelona Time Use Initiative will join as secretaries...

Video | Institutional Signing of the Barcelona Declaration On Time Policies

Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies, a pioneering global agreement to guarantee citizens’ right

"The Declaration has received the support of more than 75 leading institutions in time policies, among them: the International Association for Research on the Use of Time, the European Economic...
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