Time Use Week 2024, held in Barcelona and online from 21 to 25 October 2024, has marked a new milestone in advancing the right to time. Here are the main conclusions of this edition:
- The action plan 2024-2026 of the Barcelona Declaration for Time Policies, the global agreement to guarantee the right to time, has been approved by more than 200 global organisations
- The Local and Regional Government Time Network approved their working plan for 2025 and elected a new Executive Board
- Bogotá was chosen as World Capital of Time Policies in 2025
- 40 key international key speakers and the celebration of the international visitors’ program
- Consensus was reached on the urgency of rationalising the working day
- Engagement of civil society for the right to time: more than 45 organisations held events during Time Use Week
- Time use data have been proven to be a key to effective policies
- It has been the edition with more participants and there is a positive audience rating
You can download the full summary here.