Good Practice

Feminist Exploratory Walk

Urban walk to highlight and transform challenges to perceived safety.

Catalan Government
Local policy


Improve design by identifying women’s needs and promoting their experiences in urban planning. Promote women’s opinion in urban planning, taking into consideration that it is a male-dominated area. This will make it possible to explore how to better implement the conclusions obtained from the walks.


Urban planning has been designed mainly considering male experiences and productive work. Cities are planned amid a lack of knowledge around female experiences and care work needs. Also, since urban planning is mainly based on men’s experiences in their productive roles, perspectives involving night time and non-professional activites are neglected.


  • Establishing a protocol for feminist urban walks.
  • Regulating necessary citizen participation for urban interventions.
  • Incorporating collected data into a map to be consulted in subsequent interventions.


  • A group of women walk around the neighbourhood, signalling the uses they make of the space, the time of the day they use it, and aspects requiring improvement.
  • The key aspect is then to return to what ideas will be implemented from what women have proposed.


So far more than 20 walks have been held and a publication on the issue was released in 2019.



Director for Gender and Time Policies

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