
Time Use Week 2024

Advancing towards the right to time for everyone


The right to time: a right for everyone

The social organization of time causes significant dissatisfaction among a large part of the population, leading to health, equality, productivity, and sustainability issues. It is evident that we have a problem with time and urgently need to seek a more equitable and sustainable organization of time use. One of its most evident consequences is the existence of time poverty in various forms globally, impacting all social classes, albeit unequally affected by each axis of discrimination (gender, origin, age, ability…).

In Europe, approximately 20% of the population suffers from time poverty, particularly affecting women. In Latin America, this figure exceeds 50% depending on the country, while in Asia, karoshi, or death from overwork, remains a significant cause of mortality according to the International Labour Organization.

As articulated in the 2021 Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies, the first political statement acknowledging the importance of the right to time and time policies, the solution to this issue lies in recognizing the right to time. This acknowledgement is crucial to addressing discontent and time poverty, promoting a more balanced and equitable use of time.

To establish the right to time, active involvement of public institutions is essential. Since the early 2000s, municipalities have been pioneers in this domain, but in today’s global context, constructing effective public policies requires the engagement of metropolitan, supra-local, regional, and global institutions.

Public initiatives must also catalyse changes within the social and productive fabric. Organizing decent working time serves as a necessary complement to public time policies.

The right to time should be enshrined as a new civic right, ensuring it is universally accessible. Everyone deserves the assurance of their personal time to live, enjoy life, and have greater autonomy. The benefits of the right to time extend to individuals, organizations, society, and the planet alike. This year, the TUW’s goal is to advance towards the universal accessibility of the right to time.

Advancing towards the right to time for everyone

The Time Use Week (TUW) is a global event dedicated to promoting knowledge and inspiring case studies in time policies. Researchers, political institutions, social and economic organisations, and citizens from around the world will participate to foster dialogue across diverse fields of expertise and experiences, aiming for improved social organization of time. The tenth edition of TUW will take place from 21st to 25th October, with international days being 21st and 22nd, in Barcelona, and will be themed “Advancing towards the Right to Time for Everyone“.

TUW 2024 aims to comprehensively approach the right to time. It will engage specialized audiences such as institutions, social stakeholders, and the research community. Additionally, this year’s event is committed to including activities and initiatives accessible to the non-specialised public by different organisations in the world.

The focal point of this year’s edition will be updating the Action Plan of the Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies. This will provide a collective framework for organisations already committed since 2021, as well as newcomers and those initiating efforts towards better time management. The updated plan will outline specific commitments for the 2024-2026 period.

Participants attending the Week in person will have access to various on-site activities, including workshops and networking opportunities. Additionally, for the first time, TUW 2024 introduces a collaborating organisation badge for entities interested in hosting initiatives during the event.

Institutional partners

Time Use Week 2024 is co-organised by the Catalan Government, the Barcelona City Council, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Barcelona Provincial Council, and the Time Use Initiative.

It counts with the collaboration of Catalonia International and Time4All (project co-funded by the European Union).

The programme below is provisional, and speakers will be available in September.

Thursday 10th OctoberThe right to time: a basic element for happinness.

At CaixaFòrum Macaya, Barcelona. More information soon. Co-organised between Fundació “la Caixa” and Time Use Initiative.

Thursday 16th OctoberTowards a new time balance.

At CaixaFòrum Tarragona. More information soon. Co-organised between Fundació “la Caixa” and Time Use Initiative.

Date to be confirmedProposals towards the European Parliament on natural times.

On-line. More information soon.

Venue: Paranimf de la Diputació de Barcelona (access by carrer Urgell, 187), Barcelona.

Registration and accommodation at the Venue.

Hybrid event. Language: English, Catalan, Spanish.

Hybrid event. Language: English, Catalan, Spanish.

Hybrid event. Language: English, Catalan, Spanish.

13.15 — 14.00: Lunch

On-site work meetings. Language: Catalan.

  • Plenary of the Catalan Network for the Right to Time
  • 3rd Meeting of the Network of Professionals of Equity in Labour

Hybrid session. Language: English, Catalan, Spanish.

It will include:

16:50 – 17:15: Reducing Waiting Time: Rush Hour and Urban Sustainability

17:15 – 17:35: Freeing Time for Caregivers: The Case of Temps x Cures

17:35 – 18:00: Night Governance Mechanisms: the case of Night Mayors

Venue: Paranimf de la Diputació de Barcelona (access by carrer Urgell, 187), Barcelona.

Registration and accommodation at the Venue.

Hybrid event. Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan.

11.30 — 11.45: Coffee break
13.30 — 14.30: Lunch

Hybrid event. Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan.

14.30 – 15.00: Designing transversal time policies: the Time Chief Officer

15.00 – 15.30: Time in government action: a holistic view

15.30 – 16.00: Time as a space of social consensus

Thursday 31st OctoberTime poverty, a social challenge to be tackled.

At CaixaFòrum Tarragona. More information soon. Co-organised between Fundació “la Caixa” and Time Use Initiative.

Open to Everyone's Collaboration

Time Use Week 2024 aims to foster collaboration with representative organisations from all sectors of society.

Local authorities, research groups, and social or economic stakeholders are invited to become collaborating partners of Time Use Week 2024. To participate, they are encouraged to propose and implement specific initiatives aligned with the event’s objectives. In return, their initiatives will be integrated into the official program of the Week, and these organisations will receive an official identifying badge. Interested parties can contribute by completing the form below.

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