
Time use surveys in Spain: an academic and social opportunity

encuestas uso del tiempo en españa

A new round of time use surveys is beginning in Spain: the National Institute of Statistics (INE) will begin its data collection on time use in 2023; the Catalan Institute of Statistics (Idescat) will do so in 2023, etc. It has been more than 10 years since the last surveys were done. Such tools are harmonised at the European level, and allow extracting key data on time use distribution (sleep hours, homework distribution, different patterns according to age, sex or social background, etc.).

This seminar allows information exchange on the new round of surveys between Spanish researchers and public institutions. It will also be an opportunity to present inspiration cases that have used time use data from previous rounds. The seminar will include information exchange spaces, as well as a participative workshop for encouraging participants to find a common ground and share knowledge on future projects aimed at building new time policies.

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