Tick-tock Europe: Championing the Right to Time!
EU Manifesto on Time Policies

We call on the European Union to actively engage in the protection and development of the Right to Time of its citizens. The European Union has the potential to develop and implement a set of effective policy solutions, tools, and mechanisms to become a true pioneer in defending the rights of its citizens to their own time.
The Right to Time for all Europeans
Time is a growingly scarce and unequal resource. 20% of European citizens, rising to 34% among women with children, are experiencing time poverty: they do not have a literal minute for themselves after completing their necessary activities of work, sleep, and care. All of us are feeling this disturbing sensation of being under constant time pressure.
The consequences of time poverty and time inequality are far-reaching, affecting both individual well-being and social cohesion. Countless studies highlight the adverse impact of time poverty on mental and physical health, ranging from heightened risks of depression and obesity to anxiety and cardiovascular diseases. It corrodes the very fabric of our society, diminishing democratic participation and limiting social interactions with loved ones. It also hampers economic growth, as workers trapped in time-poor environments struggle to strike a healthy work-life balance, ultimately diminishing productivity. As a case in point, it is calculated that structural sleep deprivation leads to estimated losses in national GDP of 1% to 2%.
Ensuring the Right to Time for all European citizens requires EU action across sectors and institutions. The Time Use Initiative has identified 12 key actions that can be implemented by the EU from 2024 onwards — this Manifesto was launched during European Parliament Elections 2024, but has the aim of serving as a platform to promote the right to time in Europe. Read the full Manifesto.
Be part of the change. Join us on our mission to ensure the Right to Time for everybody as a well-being factor in the XXI century. Together, we can reshape our society, fostering greater well-being, stronger communities, and sustainable economic growth through forward-thinking time policies at the European level. It’s time for change, it’s time for time!
We urge MEPs to champion these actions and to become innovators
Elected MEPs who joined the Pledge

Tomáš Zdechovský
European Popular Party (EPP)
Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová (Czechia)

Lina Gálvez Muñoz
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Spain)

Terry Reintke
European Green Party (EGP)
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Germany)

Bas Eickhout
European Green Party (EGP)
GroenLinks — PdvA (The Netherlands)

Petras Auštrevičius
Renew Europe (RE)
Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis (Lithuania)

Irene Montero
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Podemos (Spain)

Diana Riba i Giner
European Free Alliance (EFA)
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Catalonia/Spain)

Rasmus Andresen
European Green Party (EGP)
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Germany)

Jaume Asens, candidate
European Green Party (EGP)
Comuns Sumar (Catalonia/Spain)

Ana Miranda
European Free Alliance (EFA)
Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Galicia)

Sebastian Everding, MEP
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz (Germany)

Barry Andrews
Renew Europe (RE)
Fianna Fáil (Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland)

Anja Hazekamp
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)
MEP Candidates who joined the Pledge

Francisco Paupério
European Green Party (EGP)
LIVRE (Portugal)

Oriol Cases Vilà
The Greens/European Free Alliance
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Spain)

Wesley Pechler
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)

Ronan van Langen
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)

Kirsten Weitering
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)

Elsa Miedema
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)

Nicole Dick, candidate
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)

Nayra van Lubek
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)

Yuri Zandwijken
The Left (GUE/NGL)
Partij voor de Dieren (The Netherlands)