
The Timetable Week

The Timetable Week constituted an outstanding opportunity to present Catalonia´s challenges in terms of transforming the organisation of time in our everyday life. It has been a space to present alternatives to citizens, the production system and public institutions with the aim of inducing a structural and cultural change. Since 2019, we aim to create also a space to share with other organisations, institutions and people working towards the same goal in other European countries and beyond.

The Timetables Week pretended to contribute to the time use reform in favour of more efficient and flexible models so that the adaptation to more human and civic times is reached. With this call, we want to consolidate the time factor as a relevant variable in the search for equity and well-being.

The Timetables Week constituted mainly by public events and media actions to raise awareness. The goal has been to nurture the current engagement of key stakeholders and territories already committed while delivering key messages to the general public. It disseminates the economic, environmental and social advantages of a Time Use Reform, as well as specific ideas on how to move forward on the Time Use Reform.

Our aim has been to generate a broad social and political consensus through dialogue and reflection. Based on that, we aim at presenting specific strategies for real transformation to relevant political stakeholders.

Past Timetable Weeks have been held on the following dates:

  • 3-7 June, 2019
  • 11-15 June, 2018
  • 12-16 June, 2017
  • 10-16 June, 2016
  • 6-12 June, 2015
  • September 2014
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