- This initiative represents a significant step towards the creation of a legal and social framework that reflects the changing realities of the 21st Century labour world.
- Discussed at the Time Use Week, the policy brief proposes six objectives and various practical measures to achieve a new organization of working time was presented.
The presented document is based on the Base Study for a Time Use Law in Spain, adapting this framework to the reality of the European Union.
Today, on October 18th, the Time Use Week 2023 opened with the presentation of the document ‘Towards a New Temporal Balance,’ a guide aimed at establishing a new framework for the future of work-time organization.
The presentation of the guide was conducted by Mari Luz Vega, one of the authors of the document and a former official of the International Labour Organization (ILO). It featured the participation of prominent experts in the field, both at the national and international levels, including Jorge Cabrita from Eurofound, Martine Humblet, a senior specialist in the Working Conditions Department of the ILO, Eva Rimbau, a professor of Economics and Business Studies at UOC, and an expert in Human Resources, Carmen Castro, a consultant in Equality and Transformation Policies, and Jon Bernat, a professor at the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work at the University of the Basque Country-EHU.
The presented document, ‘Towards a New Time Balance,’ addresses time organization from a comprehensive perspective, recognizing that time is a fundamental resource that must be managed fairly and equitably in all aspects of life, including paid work. The document sets strategic objectives and proposes key measures to achieve a more balanced organization of working time. Some highlighted objectives include the rationalization and reduction of working hours, the improvement of health and safety at work, transparency in working hours, the promotion of sustainability, gender equality, and co-responsibility, as well as active involvement of companies in the organization of working time.
It is expected that the proposed measures from this guide will contribute to social well-being, promoting gender equality, increasing workplace efficiency, and fostering sustainability. The guide also offers policy recommendations at the international, European, national, regional, and local levels, with the aim of advancing towards a more equitable and fair organization of working time for all citizens.
This initiative represents a significant step towards the creation of a legal and social framework that reflects the changing realities of the 21st Century labour world. It proposes recommendations based on European guidelines and ILO proposals, as well as concrete measures to be developed in the mentioned areas, building upon the Base Study for a Time Use Law in Spain.
About Time Use Week 2023
Time Use Week is an annual event that brings together leaders and experts from around the world to discuss topics related to time and its impact on society. It provides a platform for sharing innovative ideas and promoting a better understanding of the importance of time in our daily lives.
TUW began on Monday and will conclude on October 27th, being a focal point for time policies, a new type of welfare policy in line with the Agenda 2030 and the new urban agenda.
Time Use Week 2023 is co-organized by the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Council, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Barcelona Provincial Council, and the Time Use Initiative. It has the collaboration of DIPLOCAT and Time4All (a project co-funded by the European Union).