We find ourselves living in a society in which we often feel that we don’t have enough time to do everything asked of us: at work, as mothers and fathers, as children, friends, students… The standard schedules for work, shops, school, extracurricular activities, television programming and leisure that frame our habits and indeed the model by which we live and educate. How we organise our time affects our physical and psychological wellbeing, work-life balance, productivity at work, gender co-responsibility and equality and even the sustainable use of energy.
DIPLOCAT and Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society (BTUI) present this joint publication that brings together the main contributions from the cycle of three gatherings that took place over Spring 2021 for the exchange of good practice in time use policies among local authorities in Catalonia and local authorities in the rest of Europe. The conclusions from the cycle will be the basis for the Barcelona Time Use Policy Declaration, that includes the future urban time agenda, in which cities and institutions in Catalonia have an important role as pioneers and promoters of time use policies.