Good Practice

Sustainable Mobility Plan

Improving urban mobility with higher speeds, more security, and more rationality.

Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area
Local policy


The Sustainable Mobility Plan integrates articulated programmes developed
taking into account best experiences worldwide, contributions from
renowned professionals in each area of reference, and the main pillars of
traffic and transport management: priority public transport, healthy mobility
and traffic planning and road safety.

Simply stated, the objective is better circulation, less travel time and more
road safety.


The six million journeys made every day in the City of Buenos Aires represent
a challenge for traffic circulation — both within the city and in and out the
province. Of those, 3.2 million people come from Greater Buenos Aires
(54%), while the rest come from within the city (46%).

It was therefore necessary to focus on the link between urban development
and transportation. Moreover, management of such analysis and policies
had to centre on mobility flows rather than traffic problems.


Buenos Aires is developing large-scale connectivity works that tackle traffic
and make it more agile, and promote sustainable mobility. They include:

  • Public Transportation Priority: encourages the use of public transport,
    taking into account that buses carry 40–50 passengers, whereas, in the
    same space, two cars carry 3–4 people per car.
  • Healthy Mobility: promotes healthy mobility by bicycle or on foot
    throughout the City of Buenos Aires.
  • Traffic Regulation and Road Safety: reduces road accidents and helps to
    regulate traffic.
  • Smart Mobility: the Smart Traffic System includes new instruments to manage traffic and tools to facilitate circulation within the City of Buenos Aires.


The plan, based on the concept of sustainable development, meets present needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet theirs. Its objectives are to:

  • Improve accessibility for the population.
  • Prioritise public and non-motorised modes of transport.
  • Prioritise the use of roads according to dominant uses.
  • Regulate the functioning of public roads.
  • Reduce congestion and, in particular, interference with continuous
    traffic flow.
  • Optimise freight transport operations.
  • Limit transport-related externalities.
  • Reduce the accident rate by acting on the factors that contribute to it.


Ongoing project that has already implemented:

  • 300 km of bicycle lanes.
  • 5 car-free areas, with stricter speed limits and better personal mobility.
  • 8 new Metrobus-priority lanes.
  • Bus-arrival information system.
  • Metro availability every 3 minutes in rush hour.



Advisor and Coordinator of Public Agenda