Time & Democracy | Night-time policies
Public presentation of Local and Regional Time Agenda(s) 3 & 4

The Local and Regional Time Agenda is a pioneering compilation of time policies implemented by local, metropolitan and regional authorities from distinct corners of the world. The Agenda aims to become a guide for those institutions interested in time policies as a tool to transform the society of the 21st Century — ensuring the right to time by making it healthier, more egalitarian, more efficient and more sustainable for all.
During this event, there will be a presentation of chapters 3 and 4 of the Agenda. As for the 4th chapter, that will be presented during the first block from 11h to 11:45, nighttime policies will be analysed in relation with how to navigate the urban night from a holistic point of view. Night governance and the model of Night Mayors will be looked at as part of a global trend, together with specific policies aiming at creating secure, inclusive, and respectful leisure as part of the nightlife. Time policies implemented by the Greater London Authority and the City of Trento, as well as examples of the City of Strasbourg, will be showcased.
As part of the 3rd chapter, that will be presented during the second block from 11:45 to 12:30, democracy and civic participation will be analysed with actions facilitating time for taking part in public activities —decision-making processes, e-democracy, strengthening neighbourhoods… Time policies implemented in Milan and Barcelona will be analysed as examples of such examples. They will be introduced by the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA).
The Agenda is coordinated by the Local and Regional Governments Time Network, the international network to exchange and promote implementable time policies generated at the local and regional level.
- Julieta Cuneo, Policy Lead, 24 Hour London Team from the Greater London Authority
- Giulia Casonato, Executive councillor for Sustainability, Innovation and Participation of the Trento City Council
- Marina Lafay, Councilor of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, World Capital of Time Policies 2024
- Alessia Mastroleo, Public policy expert at the Urban Economy, Fashion and Design Department of the Milan City Council
- Arnau Monterde, Director of Democratic Innovation, from Barcelona City Council
- Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA)
- Marta Junqué, co-coordinator of the Time Use Initiative, Secretariat of the Local and Regional Governments Time Network
Retrieve the session
When: Wednesday, 8th May 2024. 11.00 – 12:30 CEST.
On-line (access to the video will be put available after registration to the event)
- Keynote Speech on the relation between the night and time policies.
- A conversation between municipalities regarding how to govern the night: the proposal of “Night Mayors”.
- A case study of how to create safe and inclusive environments that respect neighbours during the night.
- Keynote Speech on the relation between time and democracy.
- A conversation between municipalities regarding how to facilitate time for strengthening neighbourhoods and civic participation.