The ‘Annual Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR)’ is the most important conference on time use at global scale and one of the most renowned conferences to exchanges ideas, good practices and learn on latest developments about time use research.
IATUR’s conference in Barcelona goalis to promote the confluence between research and public policy on time use and its impact on society. The conference will take place during the “International Time Use Week” which will take place in Barcelona at the same time and host encounters of different international networks around time use.
The Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya), Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society, which presented Barcelona candidacy this year, will lead the conference organization along with Diputació de Barcelona, a public institution grouping the municipalities of Barcelona area. The four institutions have already collaborated together on time use related policies, especially on Time Pacts.
At the conference it is foreseen to have the participation of: Barcelona Activa[1]; presenting Barcelona City Council’s Pacte del temps and the business network NUST; the Catalan Parliament, presenting their experience changing daily schedules; the Catalan Statistical Institute (IDESCAT) and Catalan City Councils whom will share examples on how the Time Pacts have been applied. Other organizations that have proposed time-related policies will be also invited such as Fundació Bofill that works on education related matters and the Consell Català de Relacions Laborals (in collaboration with unions and trade associations).
[1] Barcelona Activa is the employment agency of Barcelona City Council and works also to promote the creation of new companies and support existing ones
#IATUR #BCNTimeUse #TimeUse #Annual Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research