
The TUI has a committed, full-time staff working in its different projects. Due to the net working methodology of the Initiative, there are also some people with different backgrounds that work with specific projects according to their field of expertise.

Staff members include the Management board, composed by the President and the two Co-coordinators. The Initiative’s office is run by the two Co-coordinators with staff working directly in TUI’s different projects: two other consultants, and a communications coordinator. An extended staff for specific projects is composed by a Graphic Designer and a Webmaster.

Management Board

Joan Francesc Pont


Professor of Tax Law. He has been involved with the BTUI since its beginning, when the Catalan movement began. He has also been involved in several projects from both Spanish and international companies. His main research nowadays is about the relationships between public administration and taxpayers. He is active in many fields, such as which public-private cooperation, associations and foundations, and international tax planning. He has published 28 books both from his tax law speciality and other topics regarding historical, philosophical, and political issues.

Marta Junqué Surià


Ariadna Güell Sans



Ariadna Güell Sans


Ariadna has both a personal and professional interest on public policies, with a special focus on efficiency and effectiveness improvement. She strives to improve the public sector from different areas and, since 2019, she has been pushing for the implementation of time use policies both at regional, national, and international level. She has more than eight years of experience as a consultant for the public sector, both for Spanish and international institutions such as the United Nations.

Marta Junqué Surià


MA in public management and BA in Political Science and Public Administration. Currently, she is doing a PhD. She is passionate about improving our society and has been involved both personally and professionally in public policy design, implementation, and change management. Since 2019, she is involved in ensuring time use is placed at the centre of the political agenda, both at the global and local scale. She has more than 10 years of experience in business consulting and has expertise in a variety of business-related disciplines. She is experienced in working with international (especially at the EU level) and local organisations in both the public and private sector. She has also volunteered on different NGOs around the world.

Lía Barrese Ponce

Assistant to the co-coordination

Lia is an economist with an MA in Global Economics and Local Development. She has experience in urban policy design and advocacy, and her passion lies in social impact initiatives. She worked for over four years at the Buenos Aires City Council, implementing strategies to promote emerging/ innovative environments in the city. She also worked within the framework of urban innovation for the Barcelona City Council, more specifically for the BIT Habitat Foundation. Lately, she was policy adviser of social affairs at Eurocities, experience that helped her gain in-depth experience with European politics and its local impacts specifically in the field of social affairs.

Marc Martorell Escofet


Marc is a Public Policy consultant with a MA in International Relations and over five years of experience working with institutions and organizations across the public, private, and non-profit sectors. His work primarily focused on advising, deploying, and implementing public policies related to the Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda, as well as other innovative urban and community policies aimed at social and environmental sustainability. At TUI, his role revolves around shaping the narrative surrounding time as a civic right, tailoring it to various national and cultural contexts, especially in Europe and Latin America, with a particular emphasis on developing evidence-based public time policies.

Elena Tarifa Herrero

Communications Coordinator

Elena is a journalist specialised in corporate and political communication, with more than 20 years of experience leading communication campaigns and press offices for public, private and non-profit sectors, at a local and international scale, as well as a content producer, both for paper and digital outlets. MA in Public Gender Equality Policies, she has also been professionally involved in developing and managing local policies at different Barcelona local administrations,,  with a specific focus in  gender and diversity mainstreaming promotion,  which she has also developed as free-lance consultant.

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