Implementing time policies is one way to contribute significantly to the achievement of SDGs, either individually or collectively.
In the framework of the “SDG Global Festival of Action,” a virtual event dedicated to sharing ideas, initiatives and actions to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs), Achim Steiner, general manager of UNDP, stated: “the SDGs are achieved by the sum of thousands of individual and collective actions that contribute to a common goal.” Therefore, just as in time policies and schedules reform, each person, organization and government can contribute to the Agenda 2030 goals.
The Time Use Week 2020 made it clear: time policies can significantly contribute to the achievement of the ODS. Time policies are transversal and of a holistic nature, so they have the potential to provoke significant changes in society and thus contributing to the common good.
Here are 5 time levers to contribute to the SDGs and improve our health: