
Time Use Week 2021

In October 2021, the second edition of the Time Use Week took place in Barcelona. The aim was to create thematic forums for exchanging and discussing time policies with key international stakeholders. The TUW 2021 included the 43rd Annual Congress of the IATUR (International Association for Time Use Research), in which more than 200 researchers from all over the world participated.

Full Program

The provisional program can be found below.

Future Of Europe: October 25

Time Use Week 2021 Opening
09:30h a 10:30h

Opening event for the Time Use Week 2021, that will open with a conversation about time as a concept, and the presence of the organizing institutions, to discuss the importance of time policies within the European arena.

  • Carl Honoré, Slow movement
  • Carla Estivill, Estivill Sueño Foundation
  • Jaume Collboni, Barcelona City Council
  • Tania Verge, Catalan Government
  • Montserrat Ballarin, Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  • Lluïsa Moret, Barcelona Provincial Council
  • Marta Junqué, Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society
Carles Màrquez, El Periòdico
Future of Europe debates – The 4-day week and the right to digital disconnection
11:30h - 13h

The concept and organization of work is changing, speed up by the COVID-19 effects. Which new rights regarding time are needed by workers? How can we rethink our working time models to ensure decent work? Regulations such as the telework one or the right to disconnect, and proposals such as the 4-day week are starting to answer these questions.

  • Camilla Kring, B-Society Foundation
  • Charlotte Lockhart, 4 week global
  • Joaquín Perez Rey, Government of Spain
  • Alex Agius, European Parliament
  • Manuela Geleng, European Commission
Núria Ferré, Betevé
Future of Europe debates – The end of DST: how can it be placed back to the European agenda?
14:30h -15:30h

In 2019, the European Parliament agreed to end the biannual clock change. Nevertheless, the member states have not been able to achieve an agreement on which time zone has to be adopted. This debate explores how can we place back the debate on the European and member states agenda.

  • Maria Nikolopoulou, European social and economic council
  • Ticia Luengo, International Association for Natural Time
  • Till Roenneberg, chronobiologist
Jordi Vaquer, Open Society Foundations
Future of Europe debates – The European Academy for Time Policies, a proposal
16:30h - 18 h

Experts and activists on time policies have proposed the creation of an institution dedicated to informing time policies at European level, the “European Academy for Time Policies”. In this session, we will discuss about the role that such institution may have to shape a European agenda for time policies.

  • Francesca Zajczyk, Milan city council
  • Ignace Glorieux, International Association for Time Use Research
  • Ulrich Mückenberger, German Society for Time
  • Sara Berbel, Barcelona City Council
  • Jean-Yves Boulin, Tempo Territorial
  • Ariadna Güell, Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society
With recorded contributions by:
  • Klaus Töpfer
  • Institute for Advanced
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Michelle Bastian
  • Temporal Belongings
  • Sheeba Vasu
  • Club Oh Clock (India)

Urban Time summit: 26 October

Presentation of the report of the urban policies cycle in post-covid-19 times.
10h a 10:45h

During Spring 2021, several local authorities discussed together key issues regarding local time policies, such as the 15-minute city, the impact of COVID-19 or the consequences of our biological clock on time policies. During this event, the main conclusions of these discussions will be presented.

  • Laura Foraster, Diplocat
  • Eva García, CIDOB
  • Ariadna Güell, Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society
Presentation of the Local and Regional Governments Time Network
10.45h a 11:45h


  • Jean-Yves Boulin, Tempo Territorial
  • Laura Pérez, Barcelona City Council
  • Marta Junqué, BTUI
With the intervention of

councillors from city councils of Strasbourg, Rennes, Bolzano, Bergamo, Milan, the metropolitan area of Milan and the association Tempo Territorial.

And the presence of:

  • Catalan Government, Barcelona
  • Provincial Council and Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Roger Solé, Journalist
Workshop: How to organize an urban or metropolitan Time Office
12:45h a 13:30h

Municipalities throughout Europe already have offices or departments that coordinate time policies. In this workshop, municipalities that have a time office will explain their experience to better understand different organizational models and discuss pros and cons of each.

  • Sonia Ruiz. Barcelona City Council
  • Héctor Sanctovsky. Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Fabian Mohedano. Catalan Time Use Reform Initiative
Workshop: How to build a Time Pact from a local and metropolitan perspective


  • Joana Levy, Strasbourg city council
  • Sabina Scola, Bolzano city council
Ariadna Güell, BTUI
Exchange workshop between municipalities and researchers (English)
15h a 17h

The workshop is directed towards political representatives and employees of city councils that want to explore the synergies and connections between time use research and the time policies they want to develop. The exchange workshop will only take place on-site and cannot be followed online.

Urban Time policies around the world
All day

During the day, on-site participants will be able to see an exhibit of real-life experiences implementing urban time policies

Time banks, an example of neighbourhood and social cohesion sharing time


  • Pilar Solanes, Barcelona City Council
  • Rosa Gallardo, Viladecans city council
  • Maria Nikolopoulou, Time Banks Development association
  • Humberto Salazar, Iberoamerican Association of Time Banks
Elvira Méndez, Health and Family Associatio

IATUR Annual Conference

43rd IATUR Annual Conference
27/10/2021 al 29/10/2021

The 43rd edition of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) Annual Conference wants to explore the connection between research, public policy, organizations, and society. It will include plenary sessions dedicated to key issues of time policy such as the impact of COVID-19 or time poverty, visits to real-life use cases of time policy and exchanges between researchers and public institutions

IATUR Annual Confere Closure and Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies : 29 October

Institutional signing of the Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies
16h - 17h

The Barcelona Declaration on Time Use aims at creating a common framework to develop time policies throughout Europe at different levels. In this event, the declaration will be signed, and it will mark the beginning of the work process to spread time policies within the member states.

With the contribution of:

  • Pere Aragonès, President of Catalan Government
  • Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona City Council
  • Oliver Roepke (pending confirmation), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
  • Ignace Glorieux, International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR)
  • Marta Junqué, Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society (BTUI)

Sílvia Angulo, La Vanguardia

And the presence of the signatories of the Barcelona Declaration, including:

Barcelona Provincial Council, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, CCOO (Spanish trade union), UGT (Spanish trade union), PIMEC (SMEs association of Catalonia), Labor, Economic and Social Council of Catalonia, German Society for Time, Tempo Territorial, International Alliance for Natural Time, BetterTimes-For Healthy Social Times, Waiting Times project, German Society for Ecological Economy Research Latinamerican Association for Time Banks, Time Bank development Association, Catalan Time Banks Coordinator, Strasbourg City Council, Milan Metropolitan Area, Terrassa City Council, Catalan Municipal Federation, Catalan Municipal Association, Center for Demographic Studies, Barcelona Metropolitan and Regional Studies' Institute Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work, National Committe for the Rationalization of Spanish Schedules

Due to COVID-19, on-site presence is restricted, and you need to register to access the conference.

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