II Foro Iberoamericano de los Horarios y el Tiempo

The 2nd Ibero-American Time and Schedules Forum is the second edition of the summit for time organisation in Latin America. It is a series of conferences based on exchanging policies, experiences, and knowledge in relation to time policies. The targeted audience are researchers, public officials, and civil society from Ibero-America.
After the success from the 1st Ibero-American Time and Schedules Week, the second edition arrives in a more ambitious format — it will have a duration of a whole month — in order to contribute to creating the right to time from Latin America. The first edition’s objective was to contribute to connecting different citizen and regional actions across Latin America on time organisation. Now, the Week’s second edition, in a Forum format, will be to contribute to conceptualising the right to time by adapting it to the region’s needs.
- Continue the awareness campaign among citizens and political, economic, and social institutions on the importance and benefits of recognising the right to time as a civil right.
- Share inspiration cases on time policies that are being conceived by local and regional governments from the Local and Regional Governments Time Network, focussing especially in Ibero-American members.
- Strengthen the time use ecosystem in Latin America (academia, public institutions, civil society, and social partners).
- Develop the right to time narrative including Latin-American specificities.
- Gather new signatories for the Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies and new members for the Local and Regional Governments Time Network.
Most of the events of the Forum will be in Spanish. However, an international dialogue as part of the Time4All project will be held on 20th June.
Time: 15 h CEST
Duration: 1 h 30
With the participation of:
- Esteban León, Leader of UN-Habitat City Resiliencie Global Programme.
- Carlos Moreno, Scientific Director of the Chair ”Entrepreneurship. Territory, Innovation” at the Sorbonne University-IAE Paris.
- Natalia Fidel, Member of the Buenos Aires Legislative Chamber.
- Natalia Oviedo, Office Advisor to the District Secretary for Women at the Bogotá City Council.
- Sonia Ruiz, Director for Gender and Time Policies at the Barcelona City Council.
- Sylvia Profanter, director of the Office for Time and Statistics at the Municipality of Bolzano, World Capital of Time Policies 2023.
- Marta Junqué, Secretary of the Local and Regional Governments TIME Network.
- Facilitation: Rosa María, Executive Director of the Ibero-American Center for Strategic Urban Development.