Good Practice

Superblock of Care — Vilaveïna

Communities of between 10,000 and 30,000 inhabitants tackle care needs from a collective, proximity-based approach.

Barcelona City Council
Local policy


Improve the well-being and life quality of people that require care and their caregivers by enhancing coordination between the services and resources in each area.

The service takes a proximity- and community-based approach that:

  • Is equipped to face demographic and social changes in the city more efficiently and with a greater focus on well-being.
  • Recognises the centrality of care in sustaining life.


  • Citizens unfamiliar with existing resources and services for care
  • Low level of collective co-responsibility for care provision
  • Unevenly redistributed care responsibilities, and poor working conditions among caregivers
  • Need for more nearby resources and services that meet care needs and offer improved holistic approach
  • Low visibility and social recognition of importance of care
  • Need for a physical environment that meets people’s needs better


VilaVeïna is a free service in public facilities in specific areas where citizens can inform themselves about care resources and services. Each VilaVeïna offers the following services:

1) Information and individual support about close-by resources and services to improve people’s well-being.

2) Meeting point for families and caregivers.

3) Workshops, conferences and other activities on varying issues, including improving health and emotional well-being.

4) Support groups where people in similar situations can share experiences and overcome difficulties.

5) Breathing spaces and childcare services where families and caregivers can bring their dependents and have some personal time.

6) Legal advice about contracting caregivers and related rights and duties.

7) Support for projects to care for others collectively


  • Small local units to guarantee the proximity- and community-based approach
  • At least one full-time, dedicated professional per area to promote networking, program activities and provide support services to citizens
  • Ensures that actions address citizens’ real needs
  • Offers childcare services and breathing time to facilitate caregivers’ participation in proposed actions
  • Common service offering at city level that can tailor actions and projects to each area


  • With 16 centres operational by late 2022, the project will reach more than
    320,000 people, nearly 20% of Barcelona inhabitants.
  • Project benefits from municipal investment of €3.5 million.
  • More than 350 people have already benefited from the various services of VilaVeïna, by either receiving information or taking part in programmed activities. The most common profile are Catalan female caregivers aged 60 to 75 seeking support around self-care services and nearby resources to meet caregiver needs.


Salas Priego

Departament of Strategic Projects, Communication and Participation Foment de Ciutat, SA

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