Greater London Authority
Good Practices by category
Launched in 2016, the London Night Czar and 24-Hour London Team are tasked with ensuring the city thrives from 6.00pm to 6.00am and making London a fair, prosperous, inclusive and sustainable city around the clock.
Engaging the broader public in debate and reflection around time-related issues.
Rennes City Council and Metropolitan Area
Childcare provision and adapted event schedules and participation processes.
Barcelona City Council
For women of diverse backgrounds and minority groups.
Barcelona City Council
Promoting measures to support work-life balance and allow effective citizen participation.
Catalan Government
Grants supporting district and city projects, activities, and services to promote and improve actions linked to the objectives of the Barcelona Time Agreement: the city’s commitment to a healthier, more egalitarian, efficient and sustainable organisation of time.
Barcelona City Council
A new approach to developing a 15-minute Milan based on community participation.
Milan City Council
A series of conferences on the main socio-environmental crises we face as a society.
Barcelona City Council
Communities of between 10,000 and 30,000 inhabitants tackle care needs from a collective, proximity-based approach.
Barcelona City Council
Urban walk to highlight and transform challenges to perceived safety.
Catalan Government