Good Practice

Conférences du temps — Time Conferences

Engaging the broader public in debate and reflection around time-related issues.


Raise awareness on social issues linked to time and propose shared spaces to reflect and engage in dialogue as part of the Time Office’s general objectives, namely:

  • Promote greater social equality.
  • Create a smoother-running region.
  • Respond to constraints of the finite world in which we live.


Time Conferences date back to creation of the Time Office in 2002. Accessible locations and scheduling are prioritized (e.g., conferences take place in the evening) so that more people can balance them with work and personal life. As part of a discussion time at every conference, participants are encouraged to share ideas and points of view.


For 20 years, the Time Office has organized open Time Conferences to ensure maximum awareness around issues related to time. Participating sociologists, philosophers, economists, and urbanists approach the subject from every angle. Citizens and experts are encouraged to exchange and engage in public discussion in a dedicated space after conferences.

Text and audio recordings from the activities constitute a unique database in France, tracking and compiling the evolution of thought and analysis around the diverse times making up our society.


Experts from every field (sociology, philosophy, town planning, and economics) analyse time-related issues, creating a unique database of more than 60 reference entries. Some examples:

  • “Are we running out of time?”, by Dominique Méda.
  • “Towards a city of free time for all”, by Jean Viard.
  • “Does the time of the poor have a value?”, by Bruno Tardieu.
  • “Time and too many commuting”, by Vincent Kaufmann.
  • “Taking the time to be late”, by Hélène L’Heuillet.


On 27 June 2023, 180 attendees of the Time Office’s most recent conference (Anna Roy and Parents & Féministes’ “The time of the beginning of life — Paternity and early childhood, where everything begins”) filled City Hall to capacity. Individuals unable to attend have requested audio recordings and summaries in order to continue the debate in their local communities. Documents are able for download on the Time Office website.



Head of the Time Office

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