Good Practice

Occupying the Lunch Break

Setting up specific cultural activities at lunchtime.

Brive la Gaillarde City Council
Local policy


Use new time slots to develop and promote a specific cultural offer.


In sparsely populated areas, the lunch break can be difficult to occupy for employees in particular, who either eat lunch on the run at their place of work or go home, most often by car.

Further, this raises the issue of access to culture for the same people who, if they live in the suburbs, lack the time or desire to return for entertainment during the evening.

This can also concern older people who have difficulty getting to programmed events in the evening.


  • Based on these objectives, the city of Brive has set up specific cultural activities during lunchtime.
  • The project consisted of organising «small concerts» in the city centre, with duration calibrated to the lunch break, and which could be attended while eating a sandwich.
  • These concerts can be set up and taken down quickly in halls, with a tailor-made programme that encourages conviviality.


In Brive, an evaluation was conducted by means of a satisfaction survey. The results were very positive

Marie Claire


Director of Innovation and Territorial Services

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