Good Practice


On-demand childcare space to promote work-life balance, particularly for single-parent female families.

Barcelona City Council
Local policy


  • Help users, particularly women, balance work, family and personal life with a service tailored to current childcare needs
  • Facilitate women’s access to occupational training and the labour market
  • Help users move up in, and maintain, employment
  • Promote well-being within family units
  • Provide women with personal time enabling them to fully participate in their community and strengthen their active role in society
  • Give families a breathing space
  • Provide quality leisure opportunities for the children


Concilia, part of the COVID-19 Social Reaction Plan, was launched in 2020 as a way to provide relief to at-risk families with children at home and lacking time for basic tasks such as housekeeping, work and going to necessary appointments (doctor, job interviews, etc.). It also sought to create breathing time, especially for women lacking networks of support.


Concilia offers childcare for one- to twelve-year-olds in nine Barcelona locations in the neighbourhoods of the Neighbourhood Plan. It opens outside school hours every day from Monday to Saturday (week-day afternoons and all day Saturday). Potential users can book the service online 48 hours in advance, or on site. Families need only register on the app once, providing all the required legal documentation, after which they can request the service as many times as they wish. The Concilia team confirms or rejects each petition by phone. Priority is given to single-parent female families, gender violence survivors, or families without a community network that can support them.


  • Some slots are reserved for urgent cases and can be booked 15 minutes before the service starts
  • By law, service for one- to three-year-olds must take place in a nursery
  • Families can bring their child to the centre, or arrangements can be made for children to be picked up at school
  • Coordination with other services and entities in each neighbourhood, and presence of special needs educators staffing the service.


  • 7,819 provisions of childcare
  • From October 2020 – June 2021, 648 families used the service, of which 299 were single-parent female families and 90% of foreign origin


Borrut Valdivias

Coordinator of Employment and Economic Activity. Neighbourhood Strategy Depaartment, Foment de Ciutat, S.A.

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