Maintain strong motivation and performance by helping senior employees to reconcile life and work.
The Municipality of Bozen/Bolzano employs 997 people, 509 of whom are aged between 50 and 60.
It is therefore important to adapt working hours, activities and objectives to ensure work-life balance without employees losing their motivation and sense of belonging.
An internal working group within the administration received expert advice drafting an action plan to manage various generations of staff. All aspects of work were considered: corporate culture (values and objectives, work-life balance), human resources management (motivation and involvement) and finally the ability to attract and motivate young people (recruiting and retention). Each year, priorities among the objectives are set. A working group monitors the progress of the plan.
Creation of the action plan requires the involvement of employees in focus groups. The plan is then shared by management, the mayor and the council. Managers must be appointed to follow and implement the plan.
The expected results concern work motivation, sense of belonging, work performance and the passing on of senior employees’ know-how.
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