Lille Metropolitan Area
Good Practices by category
Adapting working conditions to external events that impact the work environment.
Teleworking solutions away from home for a better reconciliation of time in daily life.
Rennes City Council and Metropolitan Area
During the pandemic, Milan City Hall began accelerating existing efforts to help city employees balance work and personal time. Thanks to recent provisions in Italian law, the Administration has been able to deploy a vast project (POLA – Piano Organizzativo del Lavoro Agile) of home or remote working (known locally as “smart” working) for its workforce.
Milan City Council
A wide-ranging remote working plan was implemented by Milan City Hall in 2021 through the Smart-working Organisation Plan (Piano Organizzativo Lavoro Agile, POLA). It met with considerable success and helped to decongest traffic and make working spaces less crowded. However, not all City Hall employees find the best working conditions at home, as they often lack the necessary space and circumstances to make the most of this opportunity. In September 2021 Milan City Hall arranged to make eight of its workplaces available to near workers not normally employed there.
Milan City Council
Adapting working conditions to external events that impact the work environment.
Lille Metropolitan Area
Including procurement clauses in municipal contracts to promote awarded suppliers’ adoption of work-life balance measures.
Barcelona City Council
Companies, entities and shops committed to implementing good practices for a new culture of time.
Esplugues de Llobregat City Council
On-demand childcare space to promote work-life balance, particularly for single-parent female families.
Barcelona City Council
Right to play; family support; co-education; social cohesion; equity; autonomy; play as a universal language.
Lleida City Council
Decentralised public facilities with schedules to ensure citizens can access them.
Terrassa City Council