Bolzano City Council
Good Practices by category
Local authority staff working working non-standard hours and addressing inequalities and societal changes.
Rennes City Council and Metropolitan Area
A new way of working for work-life balance.
Bolzano City Council
Including procurement clauses in municipal contracts to encourage awarded suppliers to adopt work-life balance measures.
Strasbourg City Council
Workshops for co-responsibility in time use and caring in organisations and entities.
Barcelona Provincial Council
A multi-organisation network that has shaped a committed space for time use reform.
Girona City Council
A network and learning community to improve working time arrangements that benefit workers, employers and the city.
Barcelona City Council
Actions to promote co-responsibility at home.
Terrassa City Council
Setting up specific cultural activities at lunchtime.
Brive la Gaillarde City Council
On-demand childcare space to promote work-life balance, particularly for single-parent female families.
Barcelona City Council