Good Practices by category

Holistic approach to nighttime issues with working areas including mobility, ecological transition, territorial equity, security, social action, cultural and leisure practices, economy, and tourism development.

Strasbourg City Council

Measures to contain degradation and disturbance to the public and private peace by operators within the city.

Bergamo City Council

Reinforcing roads with brighter lights, more police patrols, night bus service, and on-demand intermediate bus stops when entertainment venues close from 5.00am to 7.00am.

Terrassa City Council

Compilation of best practices for promoting healthy youth leisure provides support and a roadmap for various entities and administrations that plan and manage popular festivities.

Catalan Government

Providing students with more extensive periods of library study time

Terrassa City Council

Deploying “Purple Points” in nighttime leisure venues and awareness campaigns to prevent gender-based violence (GBV) and promote equal enjoyment of leisure time.

Catalan Government

Encouraging residents and city users to use public spaces better while safeguarding public interests.

Milan City Council

Striking a balance between an attractive night-life and residents’ well-being.

Paris City Council

Activities and initiatives to enhance evening and nighttime coexistence and reduce tensions in the city’s most problematic areas.

Trento City Council

Innovative policy to manage the city’s nightlife while taking account of cultural, social and economic aspects, as well as liveability and safety, to strike a fair balance between the interests and rights of all.

Bologna City Council

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