Good Practice

Time Indicators in Barcelona Superblocks

Adding time indicators in Barcelona’s superblock strategy to analyse uses by time slots.

Barcelona City Council
Local policy


Use morning, midday, afternoon time indicators and reflect social differences like which genders/ages are present and which activities are being performed. Perform an evaluation before and after creating the superblock area.


Activities in streets are evaluated with no consideration for care work and whether men or women were present. Related data are scarce, and when it comes to data on time slots, even scarcer. Questions to be answered with new time indicators: Are there women in the street?; What are they doing?; Are they alone?; Are children playing on their own in the street?


Adding time indicators to evaluate superblocks before and after in terms of activities and who is present.


Time indicators are rare, as is the positive practice of evaluating measuring variables before and after interventions.


When complete, the intervention will produce a full data set. In the current scenario, almost no children can play on their own under adult supervision. We will analyse the policy with innovative indicators making it possible to visualise care work (people walking, children playing, proximity commerce) at various times of working and leisure days.



Directorate of Urban Strategy Management of the Head Architect – Urban Ecology

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