Good Practice

Companies Network for Time Reform

Companies, entities and shops committed to implementing good practices for a new culture of time.


Drive a new culture of the powerful time, in favour of a more efficient and flexible model to meet new social needs

  • Share good practices on time use

Some basic recommendations:

  • Consolidate the work day to allow workers to leave earlier
  • Introduce more flexible schedules for start and finish times
  • Move forward meal times at lunch and dinner
  • Synchronise the schedules of businesses, institutions and social and cultural actors
  • Create a pull effect for other companies, entities, businesses and people
  • Consolidate use of the time factor as a new measure of freedom, equity and well-being
  • Eliminate the two-hour time gap relative to the rest of the world



Timetable disruption in Catalonia is the result of superimposing old manufacturing timetables subsequently altered by transformations in the economic growth model during the years of Francoist “developmentalism” and more recently by the demands of years of growth in the service sector.

The persistence of a workplace culture of presentism and the poor flexibility of agreed work models is also significant. This situation has created obstacles for business competitiveness; increased psychosocial risks; a persisting gender gap; health problems; low academic performance, and a decrease in the general well-being of society.


Introducing a new time culture requires engagement from all sectors of the municipality. Our network of Esplugues companies, entities and shops, launched in 2016, currently has 327 members. Among them, large companies like Nestlé and Etnia have shared the best practices available on the municipal website. Their example can have a pull effect both in the municipality and outside it.


  • The new culture of time requires changes in social habits on a global scale.
  • Networking and the engagement of labour and social actors enables us to have a real impact on time use. Indeed, the current culture of time exacerbates social and gender inequalities.
  • Digital portal: New members can apply to the network of Esplugues companies, entities and shops by filling out a form on the municipal website.




Three hundred twenty-seven companies, entities and shops have committed to promoting good practices in their organisations to facilitate the right to time.



Mayor of Esplugues de Llobregat

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