Good Practice

Politique des Temps – Time Policy

Time as a lever in tackling climate change.

Metropolis of Lille
Local policy


  • The time policy is included in the plan to tackle climate change.
  • Mitigate the impact of human activity on the climate.
  • Adapt the territory to the consequences of climate change.


  • Inequalities and challenges in accessing services at certain times.
  • Importance of travel times which are mostly suffered.
  • Conflicts of use


This time policy meets societal, social, economic and environmental objectives:

  • Reduce social and environmental inequalities.
  • Promote the right to time and allow a better organisation of life times.
  • Optimise resources with restraint and sustainable urban planning.
  • Strengthen the local influence.


  • Develop a time profile to define local rhythms.
  • Develop intersectionality.
  • Work in co-construction with users and stakeholders. Experiment and have room for error.
  • Give legitimacy to time policies by allowing people to deliberate on them.


  • The results depend on each project.
  • For example, in making libraries more open, between 2017 and 2019, 16 libraries reviewed their hours. This initiative meant more than 8,000 additional opening hours to the great satisfaction of users.
  • Concerning the internal experimentation of teleworking in 2018, with 150 participants in one year, 20 tonnes of C02 were avoided (at the rate of one day of telework per week).



Project Manager of the Time Office

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