Good Practice

Experimenting with Teleworking

150 volunteer civil servants in a one-year pilot programme for telework.

Lleida City Council
Local policy


  • Improve people’s work-life balance, which creates space for change.
  • Lead by example.
  • Decongest urban spaces and develop the territory.


  • Need to reduce carbon mobility.
  • Need to smooth traffic on the road and, in public transport, limit the
    effect of peak hours.


Pilot programme to prepare for deployment of telework and set an example across the territory.

The experiment steering committee decided to test potentially challenging situations: full teleworking for all services, mobilisation of the entire hierarchy, professions incompatible with remote work (e.g. telephone operators and ecoguards), comprehensive review of job categories. The experiment lasted one year and involved 150 people.


  • Selection of a large panel.
  •  Mandatory training for participants and their managers.
  • In itinere evaluation involving surveys, questionnaires, focus groups,
    psychological interviews, guides and more.
  • Establishment of technical committee and steering committee
  • Open to many professions and profiles.
  • Various locations (homes and third places) where teleworking was an option.
  • Discussion groups between teleworkers.


  • One day of telework/week saved 20 tonnes of C02.
  • Teleworkers avoided 507,000 km/12,200 hours of travel.
  • After the experiment, respondents voted to deploy telework, with a goal
    of 900 (of 1,700 potential) teleworkers in 18 months.
  • Near zero cost.



Project Manager of the Time Office

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