Adapting working conditions to external events that impact the work environment.
This project is part of the promotion of of teleworking in the Lille metropolitan area to limit employee travel and to enable workers to better balance their personal and professional time.
The telework experiment within the establishment has made it possible to prepare the roll-out of this form of work.
The experiment steering committee decided to test potentially difficult situations: complete services via telework, complete hierarchical chain, jobs which could not be teleworked (switchboard operator, ecoguard), all categories of jobs. The experiment lasted one year and involved 150 people.
Deployment was endorsed by a vote held in 2022 at the end of the experiment involving nearly 1,700 teleworkers (70% of teleworkable posts) and an adjustment of the modalities (two days a week, fixed price, telework allowance, etc.).
It had almost no cost.
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