Good Practice
Adapting Our Rhythms
Adapting working conditions to external events that impact the work environment.
- Improve working conditions and facilitate work-life balance
- Reduce the impact of external events on access to the workplace
- Demonstrate the reactivity and exemplary nature of the Eurometropolis of Lille (MEL)
«Adapting our rhythms» is a system to adapt working conditions in the MEL to external events that impact the work environment.
This policy allows employees to telework or modify their working hours (shift, reduction) during foreseeable external events, for example, the 2018 strike (25 days between April and June 2018) and match days during the European Football Championship of 2016.
This system is being reproduced to account for exceptional weather conditions (frost, heatwave, snow, pollution peaks) and events affecting travel.
- Strong reactivity in implementation
- Exceptional nature of telework for external reasons
- To make the system sustainable, the conditions for triggering the system, i.e. decision-making process, criteria and communication, while maintaining continuity of service, must still be specified and validated for each type of situation
- Methodology:
- Internal link declaration form
- Hierarchical approval
- Telework or shift work
The project seems to be very much appreciated by the staff concerned.
It is likely that this system will be reactivated for the World Rubgy Championships in 2023 and for the Paris Olympic Games in 2024, some of the events of which will be hosted in the MEL area.
One hundred nine employees benefited from the scheme during the train strike. Ninety-nine per cent were satisfied and wanted to continue teleworking.