Good Practices by category

Time as a lever in tackling climate change.

Lille Metropolitan Area

For ten years, Strasbourg has pursued a proactive policy to develop walking.

Strasbourg City Council

Bring services closer to citizens.

Bolzano City Council

Time solutions for tackling rush-hour urban congestion.

Lille Metropolitan Area

Tools for municipalities to promote active commuting, sustainability, and the right to time.

Barcelona Provincial Council

Age-appropriate mobility in a residential quarter.

Zwichau City Council

How to change people’s daily lives.

“Our eyes are on Strasbourg, a European city, which is embarking on its mobility revolution. A cross-border example, a lever for its accessibility to all of Europe!”

Karima Delli, President of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament

Strasbourg City Council

Student mobility in the city of Bolzano.

Bolzano City Council

Promoting cycle mobility on childrens’ way to school.

Bolzano City Council

Improving metropolitan bike and bus networks for better health and more time.

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

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